Effects of novel antiviral agents on HIV-1 replication
- Issue: Vol 54, No 2 (2009)
- Pages: 27-30
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.04.2009
- URL: https://virusjour.crie.ru/jour/article/view/11899
- ID: 11899
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Two groups of the antiviral agents: 1) adamantane- and norbornen-containing compounds with in-built cholesterol to potentiate the membranotropic properties and 2) synthetic matrix protein peptides (peptides A and B) were found to have effects on HIV replication. The agents of the former group produced antiviral activity only when added in combination with the virus. Peptide A (matrix protein 43-60 amino acids) inhibited viral replication when added in both the early and late periods. Fluorescein-labeled peptide A was detectable in the cytoplasm and nucleus (although adsorption of a portion of the peptides cannot be excluded onto the cell surface). Peptide A was shown to inhibit Gag precursor p55 transport from the nuclei to the plasma membrane, the site of virus assembly. Peptide B had no antiviral activity.
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