Search for HHV-8associated diseases reservoir and spread paths of HHV-8 inRussia
- Issue: Vol 49, No 6 (2004)
- Pages: 20-24
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.12.2004
- URL:
- ID: 11876
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Summarized in the paper are study results of human herpesvirus type 8 (HHV-8) and of its association with Kaposi's
sarcoma (KS). The data obtained denotes that the share of individuals producing the antibodies to HHV-8
in a majority of studied patients was low and ranged form 0 to 5.5%, which is indicative of a low degree of the
virus spread in population. At the same time, a high share of persons with antibodies to HHV-8 was detected
among HIV-infected homosexuals (71.4%), kidney recipients (26.0%) and among AIDS-KS patients (78.6%). It was
also unexpectedly high among patients with T- and B-cell lymphomas (50%), encephalopathy (27.3%) and with
stomach cancer (41.8%): the appropriate parameters were 7-12-fold higher versus healthy subjects. The HHV-8
markers, i.e. virus specific antibodies and/or nucleotide sequences of the virus, were detected in blood serum
and ejaculate of a significant number of patients with different pathologies of the prostate. Such detection of viral
markers in the above categories of patients is suggestive of that sexual contacts with such patients are decisive
for the HHV-8 spread in population.
sarcoma (KS). The data obtained denotes that the share of individuals producing the antibodies to HHV-8
in a majority of studied patients was low and ranged form 0 to 5.5%, which is indicative of a low degree of the
virus spread in population. At the same time, a high share of persons with antibodies to HHV-8 was detected
among HIV-infected homosexuals (71.4%), kidney recipients (26.0%) and among AIDS-KS patients (78.6%). It was
also unexpectedly high among patients with T- and B-cell lymphomas (50%), encephalopathy (27.3%) and with
stomach cancer (41.8%): the appropriate parameters were 7-12-fold higher versus healthy subjects. The HHV-8
markers, i.e. virus specific antibodies and/or nucleotide sequences of the virus, were detected in blood serum
and ejaculate of a significant number of patients with different pathologies of the prostate. Such detection of viral
markers in the above categories of patients is suggestive of that sexual contacts with such patients are decisive
for the HHV-8 spread in population.
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