Variations of human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1), detected in Russia among sexually infected individuals

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We analyzed 52 blood samples obtained independently from among individuals, who had never practiced the intravenous administration of drugs, for the purpose of detecting the subtypes of HIV-1 that circulated during 19992002. The study materials were analyzed by the methods of gag/env heteroduplex mobility assay and by env gp120 C2-V3 sequencing. Four viral subtypes (A,B,C and G) and a recombinant gagA/envB were detected in subjects contaminated through heterosexual contacts. Noteworthily, HIV-1 variations of subtype A, which were found in 22 (73.3%) of 30 analyzed samples, were predominant in this risk group. An analysis of nucleotide sequences exposed a high degree of homology between the viruses, detected previously among drug-addicts, and the isolates detected by us in subjects contaminated heterosexually. However, HIV-1, subtype B, detected by us in all 16 studied cases, still continue to circulate among the males infected through homosexual contacts with men.


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Copyright (c) 2004 Sukhanova A.L., Kazennova E.V., Bobkova M.R., Kravchenko А.V., Selimova L.M., Khanina Т.А., Bobkov A.F., Pokrovsky V.V.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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