The effect of homemade drugs produced on the HIV-1 infection activity
- Issue: Vol 48, No 6 (2003)
- Pages: 21-25
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- ID: 11812
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The stability of human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1), strain 1MB, was studied in liquid preparations of homemade drugs. The "Vint" preparation (containing Methamphetamine and obtained from Ephedrine) as well as "Khanka" (a liquid surrogate opiate made from poppy straw) were analyzed within the case study. HIV-1/IIIB was shown to maintain its infectious activity in "Khanka" at room temperature for least 7 days. The HIV-1 activity in neutralized "Vint" did not essentially change after a 30-minute incubation at pH 7.0. While an incubation in the acid "Vint" solution entailed a more rapidly decreasing activity. However, the virus infection ability preserved during the entire time period, during which the drug was fit for injections, i.e. for 30 minutes at room temperature or for 20 hours at 4°C. Therefore, the infection virus could well preserve in the "Khanka" and "Vint" solutions after its entry, with infected blood, of large volumes of the discussed drugs. The mentioned big volumes of HIV-1 contaminated drugs, shared later into ready-to-use portions, could be the cause for HIV-1 dissemination among those who practice the parenteral administration of these substances. Besides, "Khanka" was shown to have little or no effect on the virus replication to cell culture MT-4. Its presence brought about an insignificant 1.5-fold increase in the viral stock (observed on days 2 and 3 after contamination) only when 2 x 10s MT-4 cells per ml and HIV-1/ IIIB TCID 50 0.005 were used.
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