The antiviral activity of the Gepon piptide immunomodulator in experimental models of street rabies virus

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Intracerebral injections of the Gepon drug were shown to be non-toxic when administered to outbreed white mice, 0.01-0.1 цд. The drug protects 30-40% of mice (p < 95-99%) in contamination by street rabies virus. The animals' protection depends on a dose and drug application scheme. The most pronounced protection was observed in its intramuscular administration, 0.1 цд in the virus locus (infection opening). It should be necessarily pointed out that such pronounced protection (40%; p < 0.01) was noted within the therapeutic scheme of drug administration after virus infected the animals. A new method is described, which is related with evaluating the antiviral drugs' quality, i.e. with registering the dynamics of morbidity and death of infected animals.


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Copyright (c) 2003 Gribencha S.V., Holms R.D., Ataullakhanov R.I., Barinsky l.F.

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