The clinical-and-laboratory testing of the efficiency and tolerance of the "Nikavir" preparation in acute hepatitis В

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New antiviral drug "Nikavir" was clinically tested in acute hepatitis В (АНВ). A total of 60 AHB patients were followed up; 30 patients were in the main group and 30 persons were in the control group. The treatment with Nikavir of AHB patients was shown to ensure a favorable clinical disease course and it was accompanied by a quicker rate in reduction of the activity of serum enzymes AIAT, AcAT, alkaline phosphatase and of gamma-glutamiltranspeptidase; besides, it was accompanied by an early elimination of such serum markers of AHB like HBeAg, HbsAg and HBV DNA. Wikavir can be used in the treatment of patients with mild and moderate forms of AHB.


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Copyright (c) 2003 Cheshik S.G., Malinnikova E.Y., Cheshik D.S., Malyshev N.A.

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