Examinations of birds in the Volga delta (Astrakhan region, 2001) for Western Nile Fever virus by using the method of reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction
- Issue: Vol 49, No 1 (2003)
- Pages: 14-17
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://virusjour.crie.ru/jour/article/view/11755
- ID: 11755
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Infection of birds, residing in the Volga lower and middle delta, with West Nile Virus (WNV) genome was detected by the RT-PCR method. A total of 315 samples of bird organs, collected in the Astrakhan region in August 2001, were examined. Positive results, with various severity degrees, were found in coots (15.1%) and in cormorants (14.3%) in the lower delta. As for the middle delta, the infection rate among coots, herons, sea-gulls and terns was found to be identical and amounted to 8-13%, it was essentially higher in cormorants - 42%. The infection rate of land-based birds did not exceed 5% in synanthropic biocenosis. According to a partial sequencing of the 5'end region of WNV genome, all positive tests can be described as belonging to the 1st WNV genotype. The obtained results are indicative of a high activity of circulation of WNV among the birds of the water and near-water complexes in the mentioned region.
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