The specific features of the reproduction of the bovine coronavirus strain ARRIAH in the continuous RBT cell culture

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Cultivation of the bovine coronavirus strain ARRHIAH in the continuous RBT versus MDBK and Taurus cell cultures made it possible to reduce the time taken to reproduce the virus and to increase its hemagglutination titer. The RBT cell line is suitable for determining the infectious activity of the coronavirus reproduced in the other cell cultures. Optimization of a manufacturing process for diagnostic agents and vaccines has been achieved while applying a roll tube method for both RBT cell cultivation and coronavirus reproduction.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Dumova V.V., Khlebopashnikova S.V., Koropova N.V., Manin B.L., Ponomarev A.P., Mishchenko V.A., Dumova V.V., Khlebopashnikova S.V., Koropova N.V., Manin B.L., Ponomarev A.P., Mishchenko V.A.

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