Influenza virus reproduction in the MDCK cells adapted to growth in serum-free Hybris-2 medium

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Whether the MDCK cell line might adapt to grow in serum-free Hybris-2 medium and influenza viruses might be reproduced in the adapted cells was studied. Seventeen passages using the Hybris-2 medium yielded cells adapted to growth in this medium (MDCK-BS). The reproduction of influenza A (H1N1 and H3N2) and B viruses versus the cells cultured in Eagle's medium was studied. The laboratory strain of influenza A/Aichi/1/68 (H3N2) and the strain B/Ohio/01/05 of influenza B in equal titers were shown to be reproduced in both control cells on Eagle's medium and MDCK-BS cells adapted to growth in the Hybris-2 medium. The reproduction of the strains A/Brisbane/10/07 (H3N2) and A/Solomon Islands/3/06 (H1N1) was less active in the MDCK cells. Each strain of influenza viruses displayed varying infective activities. The developed serum-free Hybris-2 medium may be used for cultivation of monolayer continuous MDCK cells and for their reproduction of influenza A and B viruses.


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Copyright (c) 2010 Podchernyaeva R.Y., Baklanova O.V., Glushchenko L.A., Isaeva E.I., Chestkov V.V., Tabakov V.Y., Mikhaylova G.R., Podchernyaevam R.Y., Baklanovam O.V., Glushchenkom L.A., Isayevam E.I., Chestkovm V.V., Tabakovm V.Y., Mikhailovam G.R.

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