Investigation of genetic polymorphism of the integrase gene in the HIV-1 subtype A populations circulating in the Russian Federation

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The paper presents the data of an investigation of the genetic polymorphism of the pol gene encoding viral integrase (IN) in a HIV subtype A infected population in the Lipetsk Region. The investigators analyzed 32 virus subtype A samples obtained in 2002-2007. Polymorphism at the codons associated with IN resistance to chemicals was observed in 7 virus variants. The found substitutions had a pattern of genetic polymorphism and were unassociated with resistance in 6 patients with the test subtype A population. At the same time, minor RAL resistance mutation was revealed in 1 (3.1%) virus variant while the similar mutations in the subtype G population were about 10%.


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Copyright (c) 2010 Gafarova I.E., Turbina G.I., Garaev M.M., Gafarova I.E., Turbina G.I., Garaev M.M.

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