Functional activity of specific antibodies in patients vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis in relation to different virus strains
- Issue: Vol 55, No 3 (2010)
- Pages: 33-37
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.06.2010
- URL:
- ID: 12024
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The paper shows variability of the functional activity of the superficial structures of three Far Eastern strains of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus used to study the immunogenicity of different vaccines.
The avidity antibodies to the study TBE virus strains were not detected in all of the persons vaccinated with different TBE vaccines even in the year of immunization. Two years after a course of vaccination, immune response and antibody avidity were decreased in the vaccinees. The persons vaccinated with "eastern" vaccines were better protected against Sofjin-like strain P-73 that had led to a fatal outcome in a patient with TBE. Those vaccinated with "western" strain vaccines were found to have a higher affinity for antibodies to the strains P-202 and P-69 that caused inapparent TBE in the year of immunization and 2 years later. A group of persons vaccinated with both "western" and "eastern" vaccines in different periods showed rather high antibody avidities.
The avidity antibodies to the study TBE virus strains were not detected in all of the persons vaccinated with different TBE vaccines even in the year of immunization. Two years after a course of vaccination, immune response and antibody avidity were decreased in the vaccinees. The persons vaccinated with "eastern" vaccines were better protected against Sofjin-like strain P-73 that had led to a fatal outcome in a patient with TBE. Those vaccinated with "western" strain vaccines were found to have a higher affinity for antibodies to the strains P-202 and P-69 that caused inapparent TBE in the year of immunization and 2 years later. A group of persons vaccinated with both "western" and "eastern" vaccines in different periods showed rather high antibody avidities.
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