Estimation of human and animal immunological memory by testing the trogocytosis of virus-specific T lymphocytes

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This study is the first attempt to evaluate the immunogenicity of Russian live attenuated influenza reassortant influenza vaccine (LAIV), by using a modified T-cell recognition of antigen presenting cells by protein capture (TRAP) method. Single vaccination of 18-20-year-old volunteers with LAIV causes an increase in the peripheral blood levels of virus-specific memory CD4+ T lymphocytes. Some (40-60%) LAIV-vaccination volunteers respond to immunization by showing a significant elevation in the peripheral blood level of memory CD4+ T cells without a systemic humoral immune response recorded in the passive hemagglutination test. Vaccination of mice with live attenuated A (H1N1) influenza reassortant virus stimulates the production of memory CD8+CD44hi T lymphocytes in the nasal-associated lymphoid tissue, the entry of infection, so does influenza infection. Vaccination with inactivated A (H1N1) influenza virus practically fails to induce these cells. A (H1N1) influenza virus-specific CD8+CD44hi T lymphocytes remain within at least 2 months (observation time). The authors' modified TRAP may be used to evaluate virus-specific immunological T-cell memory after vaccination.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Naykhin A.N., Koren'kov D.A., Chirkova T.V., Petukhova G.D., Donina S.A., Rudenko L.G., Naikhin A.N., Korenkov D.A., Chirkova T.V., Petukhova G.D., Donina S.A., Rudenko L.G.

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