The humoral and local immune response to influenza vaccine in the elderly and young
- Issue: Vol 48, No 2 (2003)
- Pages: 32-36
- Section: Articles
- Submitted: 09.06.2023
- Published: 15.04.2003
- URL:
- ID: 11773
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The specific features of the humoral and local immune responses to influenza vaccines were comparatively studied in people of different age groups. A total of 79 elderly people (aged 67-89) and 80 young people (aged 18-27) were immunized according to one of the four schemes: live cold-adapted reassortant trivalent influenza vaccine (LIV), administered intranasally; inactivated split trivalent influenza vaccine (IIV), administered parenterally; a combination of both above vaccines; and placebo. IIV was found, as compared to LIV, to stimulate more effectively the production of circulating antihaemagglutinins as well as of IgG,-, Ig1-, and Ig3-AT in young persons, while LIV has advantages before IIV in stimulating the synthesis of these immunoglobulins in the elderly. LIV has advantages before IIV in stimulating the synthesis of secretory IgA-AT irrespective of an age of the immunized persons. The combined immunization of the elderly by both vaccines increases the quantitative parameters of the humoral and local responses up to the level of intensity observed in young people. The obtained data are indicative of the possibility of correcting the immune response in the high-risk elderly in respect to influenza infection.
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